I realize it's been several months since I blogged about anything....to be honest....I gave up on it. Mainly because I was so busy with work, training for the marathon, etc.....
Also, I wasn't sure if anyone was reading it...
Sound stupid since I've almost achieved 10,000 page views...
Ok, so it's Valentine's Day....I'm having a glass of wine...ALONE....however, today taught me a lot
I met a fellow Parkinson's Friend, Shields Jarrett, for lunch...
This was probably our 4th or 5th lunch..and it seems as if we talk about the same things...but not this time...
Shields is probably twice my age....maybe younger, but we both have Parkinson's...
Two guys, same disease, totally different symptoms.
He has trouble walking, mainly because he has foot problem, and PD has taken away his ability to move normally....
He doesn't tremor much at all.....
Me, however, both of my hands shake....I have no problem moving, maybe because I run everyday..
However, I have bad nightmares every night, and I have also started hallucinating...
I laughed at a Parkinson's specialist 1 year ago when she asked if I saw things that "really weren't there"....yet, now I know why she asked that...
I see things...when I'm driving...when I'm watching tv...when I'm working out...when I'm running....out of the corner of my eye...
It scares me....just for a second....until I realize that I AM HALLUCINATING!
I was a bit saddened when Shields was upset that I admitted this to him. I also told him that my legs have been aching at night when I sleep. I told him it was probably because I've been running so much lately (78 miles ran so far this year/goal is to run 1,000)...
I could tell he was upset....and I have to admit...I've been a bit down myself....
While it's a great thing I haven't had to take any Parkinson's medication at all since October, the disease itself is unavoidable.
I can feel it slowly, day by day, trying to take over my body....
I think that's why I run at least 2 miles everyday...because that's my time to tell Parkinson's and my body that...you know what...NOT TODAY...you're not going to win today...
I encourage my fellow Parkinson's friends like Shields...everyday...EXERCISE....
Life Is Too Short to sit around and let this disease win....
Right now, at this very moment, Parkinson's Disease is going to defeat everyone, only because there isn't a cure....
But, no one said we couldn't fight against it with exercising and working out our muscles....inevitably thats what PD is trying to do to our bodies....it wants to control and ruin our muscle movement...
Well I say "GOOD LUCK PD"....because you're gonna have to put up one hell of a fight with me to do that....
It would be easy for me to do the obvious, sit around and feel sorry for myself, or not exercise...
But dang it...life is just too damn short to do that...
So...I'm gonna enjoy a few glasses of wine tonight and be happy...because that's what life is all about!
Always Keep Smiling!
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Local Author Week! Meet David Chedester!
Author Event
Meet David signing copies of his book Shakin' Not Stirred from 6:00 to 9:00 pm. Diagnosed with Parkinson's disease at age 26, David has taken misfortune and turned it into an opportunity to help others by raising money for the Team Fox foundation.
Friday June 15, 2012 6:00 PM
RoanokeValley View Mall, 4802 Valley View Blvd NW, Roanoke, VA 24012, 540-563-5683 |
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SHAKIN' Not STIRRED by David Chedester
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SHAKIN' Not STIRRED by David Chedester
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Roanoke Valley View Mall 4802 Valley View Blvd NW Roanoke, VA 24012 540-563-5683 |
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